Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur, organized the intellectual symposium “MANTHAN 2023” on December 9th, offering a platform for industry luminaries to explore the theme of “Cross-domain Synergies for Addressing Global Challenges.”
The conclave, organized by the Industry Interaction Committee at IIM Kashipur, featured an exceptional roster of speakers, each a pioneer in their respective fields. The distinguished guests included Lokesh Natoo, India Head of Altus Group; Abhishek Gupta, CMO at Edelweiss Tokio General Insurance; Ribhu Shadwal, VP & Head of Engineering at Airtel; Siddharth Desai, Senior Vice President at Citi Group; and Ashish Singh Joshi, CEO of Classic Legends (Jawa, Yezdi, BSW).
The event unfolded with a compelling discussion titled “Current Business Outlook,” where each speaker shared insights derived from their professional journeys. Lokesh Natoo, India Head of Altus Group, provided thought-provoking perspectives on balancing the three P’s – People, Processes, and Profits. The discourse further touched upon the role of inter-domain synergies in capability development and the leadership’s responsibility in fostering soft skills amidst the rise of artificial intelligence.
Ashish Singh Joshi, CEO of Classic Legends, shared the challenges faced while bringing iconic brands to the global stage and emphasized the transformative power of cross-domain initiatives in fostering innovation. The impact of COVID-19 on uncertainty, talent management strategies in the new normal, and the role of cross-functional collaboration were also addressed by the speakers, providing a holistic understanding of the evolving business landscape.
Ribhu Shadwal, VP of Engineering at Airtel, shed light on the rapid adaptations in the telecommunications industry, navigating technological advancements and the role of process-driven systems in organizational synergies. The discussions also explored the manifestation of cross-domain synergies in the post-COVID era and the potential to ease challenges posed by diverse geographies.
Siddharth Desai, Senior Vice President at Citi Group, shared success stories of cross-functional collaborations within the banking sector, highlighting the delicate balance between specialization and establishing synergies across functions. The conversation extended to fostering a culture of agility and adaptability in response to global disruptions, with a focus on incorporating sustainability dimensions in business.
Abhishek Gupta, CMO at Edelweiss Tokio General Insurance, illuminated the positive disruptions caused by COVID-19 in the insurance sector and explored the role of inter-domain synergies in managing and monetizing these disruptions. The speakers delved into rapid digitalization, emerging trends, and leadership’s pivotal role in fostering cross-functional collaboration and learning. An engaging Q&A session between students and speakers added an interactive dimension, providing students with an opportunity to glean insights directly from industry leaders.