JEE Mains Preparation: Top 5 Common Mistakes Students should avoid

Every year millions of students across India appear for the JEE Main exams with all their dedication and sincerity. But it has been observed that students lose their rank due to silly/ common mistakes. These mistakes can happen when we lose focus while solving questions or when we become over-confident and don’t read the question properly. Panicking and nervousness can also make a brilliant student make silly mistakes.
In order to achieve your dream of joining a prestigious engineering college, paying attention to the right technique and method is very crucial. Alakh Pandey of PW(PhysicWallah) recommends the following tips to score a good rank – JEE Mains. All the best aspirants!
Focusing less on NCERT Books
For candidates preparing for the JEE Exam, NCERT is the sacred book. It is the closest and most important study guide for exams. There is a chance that you will come across questions that are based on or similar to NCERT solved examples. In the past physics questions in JEE exams were directly taken from NCERT textbooks. Taking NCERT text books lightly can cost you significantly and ‘negatively’ in the JEE Exam. For JEE Main preparation, toppers and experts alike prefer NCERT. According to experts, learning NCERT is enough to pass JEE Main.
Overlooking/ Excluding the chapters that you find difficult to understand
“The most effective way to tackle an issue is to confront it,”. Students more often pay attention to study their favorite topics and miss topics which do not interest them or which they find difficult. An intelligent student will give importance to his/her core topics but will also ensure to pay attention to other topics too. This will give confidence in overcoming exam nervousness.
Not asking doubts
In order to look intelligent in the classroom, many students avoid asking doubt questions. The teachers are aware of common questions that students have in their mind and address them during the class, however, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to clear your doubts. Don’t be shy and no question is a silly question. Once your doubts are cleared, ensure you practice mock questions to make sure you have understood the concept well.
Being self-conscious and underconfident
Believe in yourself, your hard work will definitely pay off. Do not undervalue your efforts or lack confidence in your abilities. Getting overly nervous before the exam is one mistake that has a direct impact on your performance in the exam. To avoid this keep taking mock tests and self assess your performance. These mock tests will directly indicate your level of preparation and you can work accordingly. Once your scores improve in mock tests, your confidence level will also improve.
Over Stressing
As the exam approaches, it is quite natural that most aspirants lose their appetite and get all anxious. The solution to this is to calm your mind and relieve any anxiety by playing sports or doing Yoga or Meditation. Make sure you have study intervals eg.15-30 minutes after every 2 hours. Do not rush and burn midnight oil, maintain a healthy lifestyle and have a study plan which will help you balance and relax.