DreamFolks Services Limited adopts two schools as part of girl child empowerment initiative in Gurgaon, Haryana

Gurgaon, October 15th, 2022: DreamFolks Services Limited, a dominant player and India’s largest airport service aggregator platform facilitating an enhanced airport experience to passengers leveraging a technology-driven platform, has been working with two schools in Gurgaon, Haryana with the purpose to protect, safeguard, educate and empower the girl child.
Government School-Tigra village and Bagiya-a bridge school for underprivileged children in Gurgaon are being supported by DreamFolks under ‘MISSION SAKSHAM’, with the necessary repairs, installation of water coolers, new blackboards, and provision of text books, note books, bags, and stationery for the students. Liberatha Peter Kallat, Chairperson and Managing Director at DreamFolks Services Limited was accompanied by, the DreamFolks management team and employee volunteers for the distribution of study material to the schools on Friday, 14th October 2022.
Often, girls coming from low-income families are deprived of access to education due to their situation, and this initiative will give these girls an opportunity to pursue their dreams and hone their skills.
DreamFolks aims to improve the livelihood of girls in the marginalized sections of society by protecting and safeguarding their interests, providing them with quality education, skilling opportunities, a clean environment, and addressing any issues faced by them that are prevalent and need immediate attention. DreamFolks further strives to provide for the entire education of the kids in the future.
Speaking on the occasion, Liberatha Peter Kallat, Chairperson and Managing Director at DreamFolks Services Limited said, “I firmly believe by educating and empowering a girl child, we are facilitating the growth and development of an empowered woman, who has the potential to contribute immensely to the empowerment of our nation. These little girls have dreams which can transform into bright visions given the right support, opportunities, and budding environment. I personally don’t believe in any kind of gender bias, merit is all that matters. These girls need the right kind of backing and platform to showcase their merit and that is exactly what we at DreamFolks aim to do. Our objective is merely to contribute as a catalyst for their advancement.”
As a corporate, DreamFolks Services Limited is conscious of its role in society and is keen to contribute to social welfare measures. Their activities are focused on the following thrust areas namely, girl child – education, sports, health, and their overall empowerment.