This Father’s Day, SBI Life encourages fathers to make a big leap for his passion while supporting the family, through its digital property #PapaHaiNa-‘Papa Ki Nayi Kahaani’

Mumbai, June 16, 2022: Over the last few years, especially in the pandemic era, there has been a noticeable shift in the mindset of today’sfathers. They are not just defined as a family provider or bread-earner butalso choose tohave a clear vision for themselves to pursue their passion while safeguarding the happiness of the family. Independence in thinking but collective in approach, today’s father is comfortable seeking individual wants while caring for the needs of their family.
Leaping on this trend, SBI Life Insurance, this Father’s Day, encourages fathers to make the big leap for his passion, simultaneously as he takes care of his family’s needs and thereby, motivates fathers to pursue their dreams with great determination and conviction. This is showcased in the newly launched digital video campaign – ‘Papa Ki Nayi Kahaani’ which is a part of the company’s annual digital property #PapaHainNa. Weaving in the brand purpose, ‘ApneLiye, ApnoKeLiye’, the company also aims to ignite the act of balancing their life by being zealous towards their dreams while they stand strong for their family.
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The digital video showcases a story of a 40-year-old Prakash Chaturvedi who hails from a small town in India and harbors in his heart the aspiration to be a writer. To fulfill his aspiration, he makes a leap to pursue his dream. The constant support and encouragement from his daughter and wife persuades him further to follow his heart. The film shows Prakash’s struggle of not getting recognition as a writer in the market. He continuously faces rejections but his family and specially his daughter stands by him and encourages him to keep up with his hustle. A Eureka moment is released when his daughter, while he is reading to her, in a proud tone acknowledges his efforts and sparks an idea in his mind that eventually paves the way to his success. That is when Prakash is more confident than ever and he decides to start recording his own podcast and gets his break as a writer and storyteller.
Speaking about the campaign, Mr. Ravindra Sharma, Chief of Brand and Corporate Communication, SBI Life said, “A father’s role in a child’s life has dramatically evolved over the past several years, from bring distant breadwinners to a more holistic recognition of being equal co-parents, advisor, mentor, friend, companion, role-model, etc. to his child. However,the pandemic era, allowed many to discover and rekindletheir passion, especially fathers, who have been making a leap towards their choices while taking care of their responsibilities. To voice this trend,through our digital property #PapaHainNa- ‘Papa Ki NayiKahani’, weartfully attempted to normalise the idea that pursuing dreams guilt-free not only leads to self-fulfilment but also helps create a more enriched life for everyone concerned.The video captures the willingness that every father showcases,to evolve with the rapidly transforming world to turn their dreams into reality, while fulfilling the responsibilities of being a father.”He further added, “We, at SBI Life, strongly stand by our philosophy – ‘ApneLiye, ApnoKeLiye’. Thisfather’s day, we wish to motivatefathers to follow their heart and make their dreams come true with the support of their families. Our digital campaign, thus is an effort, to encapsulate this belief of having a balance in life for oneself and family.”
Mr. Sahil Shah, Managing Partner, WATConsultadds, “The digital film that we’ve rolled out together with SBI Life aims to inspire people who desire to bring a better balance between chasing their lifelong dreams while fulfilling personal responsibilities without compromising on either. With the right support and steadfastness, all of this is possible. I hope this film finds the right people who need courage and support to chase what liberates them.”
To amplify Father’s Day campaign, SBI Life will be conducting live conversationbetween Nadir Kanthawala, Digital Marketer & Daddy Podcaster and Luke Couhinto, Holistic Life Coach on Instagram where Luke will provide some tips on how one can, balance personal aspirations and family’s happiness. Not only this, collaboration with well-known dad influencers like Sumit Sharma and Durjoy Dutta will help showcase their personal stories on how they chose their passion while securing the financial future of their loved ones. Podcast sessions that bring alive real life stories of Chetan Shah, Nikhil AnandGiri, and Nadir Kanthawala to shed light on chasing their dreams, ApneLiye and fulfilling the promises made to their families, ApnoKeLiye.
To engage with maximum audience, platforms like Whatsapp and Facebook will also be leveraged to amplify the DVC through community groups.