ALLEN Alumni meet Samanayan-2024
Kota 14th May 2024. I am proud that I studied in Kota, I wasan Allen student. This is where my dreams began to get accomplished. Allen hasmade a big contribution to my career & Kota made it possible. Now it feelsgreat to see the changed Allen and Kota. Kota has changed a lot in just a few years.
Dr. Jeevan Kankaria, from Jaipur who was a pre-medical student in the 1995batch of Allen, said this in the Allen Alumni-Meet Samanayan. A two-dayALLEN Alumni Meet-2024 ‘Samanayan’ was organized by ALLEN Career Institute inKota. Doctors from all over the country came to Kota to participate in theprogram. More than one thousand guests attended this program. Many programswere organized in two days for these Allen Alumni who studied at Allen in Kotaand made their career in different years. During this time, they met theirteachers and took their blessings. When we met our friends, we hugged andinquired about each other. These students saw the changed form of Kota andAllen. Visited the newly constructed Chambal Riverfront and City Park in Kota. Alongwith this, they also visited the classroom campuses built in different areas ofAllen Career Institute in Kota. The mainevent was held at Samaras Auditorium of Allen Sammunat Campus in Kota onSunday. All the Allen Alumni were honored here. On this occasion, the chiefguest was Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. ALLEN Family matoshri Krishana DeviMandhana, Allen Directors Dr. Govind Maheshwari, Rajesh Maheshwari, NaveenMaheshwari, Dr. Brajesh Maheshwari, HOD K G Vaishnav and P B Saxena werepresent in the program. A video message of former state minister and MLA ShantiDhariwal was also played in the programme. Lok SabhaSpeaker Om Birla said that I welcome all the doctors who have come to Kota. Iam also proud that I am from Kota. This feeling of pride gets bigger when we goto another city, Delhi or abroad. It is my experience that there is no citylike Kota for studies. Facilities like Kota, the method of teaching here isvery good. This is the reason why students from all over india are coming hereevery year. The struggle learned from here inspires the students to move aheadin life. Teaches to struggle for success. There we meet Allen students whoshare their fond memories of Kota with us. Allen’s efforts in improving Kota isnot hidden from anyone. The coaching institutes here have moved forward ontheir own and have set an example for the country in providing qualityeducation. This is the reason why Prime Minister Modi also calls Kota, ‘theKashi of education’. I can say that theefforts being made in Kota to make careers of students are not being made inany other city. Here, very good efforts are also being made for the mentalwell-being of the students. Kota is the best city for education in every wayand the people here and Allen Career Institute have contributed to this.
On this occasion, Director Dr. Govind Maheshwari said that Allen has alwayscarried the motto of “values to success”. Giving values along witheducation is our priority, that is why today Allen is recognized as a family.It feels great to see this family growing like this. You all came on Allen’scall, refreshed the memories of old days, it is a very pleasant feeling.”Looking at you, it seems that Allen has made a small contribution inmaking your career”, he said. DirectorRajesh Maheshwari shared the experiences of connection of Allen with thestudents since its inception. Along with this, he gave information about theupcoming schemes. Director Dr. Brajesh Maheshwari described the moments sharedwith the Allen alumni as unforgettable. He also gave information about Allen’sacademic journey. In the end, Director Dr. Naveen Maheshwari expressed vote ofthanks. ——–Announcementof Allen Pariwar Scholarship for Allen Alumni
Allen director Dr. Naveen Maheshwari said in the program that Allen has alwaysbeen with the students. It has been contributing in taking them forward. Onceagain this announcement is being made to keep the relationship between studentsand Allen strong. ALLEN Alumni Scholarship “Allen Pariwar” will be introducedfrom next session with the start of admissions. Under this, scholarship will begiven on fee to the children of the family of Allen alumni who studied at Allenin any year. ALLEN has guided more than 30 lakh students since its inception.In such a situation, we will be able to connect with the families of so manystudents and encourage them. —– ALLENtaught to fight1995 batchstudent Dr. Jeevan Kankaria said I learned a lot from ALLEN. Kota does not justbring success, here one is taught to struggle. Because when it comes tocompetitive exams, we need a very different level of hard work. This waslearned in Kota and the lessons taught by Allen from culture to success arevery useful for us even today.—-The samefaculties, our proud moment Dr.Devendra Chaudhary, who came from New Delhi, said that the best feeling aftercoming to Kota was that even today the same energy and positivity is there. InAllen we saw the same teachers who had taught us. ALLEN is maintaining itstraditions. Even today students are studying with the same prayers and samevalues. This is what we remembered throughout life.———-Kotamotivates to move forwardIAS fromGujrat Dr. Vikrant Pandey said that Kota inspires to move forward. I learned to struggle from Allen, that is why Icracked Civil Services after medical. Came to Kota, studied in Allen in 1996batch and got selected in RPMT. Hard work is done in Allen, the way BrijeshMaheshwari Sir, Vaishnav Sir, Saxena Sir and other faculties taught us, thesubjects seemed very easy. Even today the education at Allen is just as good.Alan and Kota are encouraged to move forward.——–Kota haschanged a lotDr.AshishGoyal From Noida Delhi-NCR said that I was a student of the first batch. TheKota has changed a lot. ALLEN has also grown up a lot. We studied in two-threeroom institutes, today we see big campuses and Kota. It is a great feeling tosee Kota and ALLEN progressing.———-oldmemories refreshedDr. S.N.Gautam, student of 1995 batch and Head of Neuro Surgery at Govt. medicalCollege Kota, said that it felt great to spend time with old friends. ALLENmade it possible. When ALLEN moves forward, there is a feeling of great pride,it feels like we are moving forward. Seeing the students of Kota once again inKota, it felt like the old days have come again.